Edit & Restore

Last year was a year of learning. Learning our strengths and our weaknesses; learning how we cope in a crisis and how much we really need each other in our communities to lift each other up and support one another so we can survive and find happiness.

If we have learnt anything from last year I would say learning that we don’t have to do it all and ‘be busy’ all the time is not the answer to finding happiness. We need to make space to just ‘be’ sit still and restore in our daily lives. How can we be happy humans if we are constantly stressed, overwhelmed and don’t have time to be in the moment and enjoy the things we do in life?

I’m sure by now many of you have had time to take stock and reflect. The general consensus from my regular small business clients was everyone was ready to take a break, lay low and just ‘be’ for a while during this holiday break. This has nourished lots of minds and bodies who are now ready to make some needed changes in the way they do business to serve them and their clients better that they simply did not have the energy or space to do last year.

  • What did you take away for your holiday period if you were lucky enough to take a good break?

  • Did you take long enough? How are you feeling coming back to work? Are you excited, procrastinating, anxious or a little bit of all the above?

  • What light bulbs moments did you have while you were in rest mode and your nervous system got to chill out?

For the parents and jugglers out there, taking time to just ‘be’ is not something we need to feel guilty about. Our entire being physically and mentally is nourished by every minute we take to calm our nervous system and refuel our tired minds and bodies.

We are happier, more energetic and richer in experience when we rest and restore.

Mental load is a huge contributor to inefficiency in all areas of your life and takes a toll everywhere, at home, at work in your relationships with others. What is negatively contributing to your mental load? What can you edit to free up some space in your mind so you can be more focused on what is important?

Editing and restoring needs to be done before you can build and create synergy and is often an easier starting point than implementing a new strategy.

  • What did you edit or are you going to edit from your working life to reduce stress and give yourself more time to restore and recharge?

  • What can you edit in your life and business this month?

  • What habits can you put into place to keep these things from creeping back into your life?

In my next blog I’ll be chatting about setting up new habits and the triggers we need to address to make new habits stick.

Have a beautiful day!

Mel W.


‘Numbersmith’ Defined


Let’s lift our community’s economy & spirit up again